Thursday, May 28, 2009


Caden made the cut. He gets to go with us!

We're almost all packed. I can't believe it. What is even crazier is that Ricky will be a Doctor tomorrow. Not that I'm surprised that he will be an M.D, a good one at that. It is just a little crazy that it has been four years already and he is now going to be a "true" doctor, not just a med school student. WE MADE IT! Hooray! We are even still married and had a beautiful baby boy! We went on a few trips, did a few fun Memphis things, made some good friends and now it is time to move on to the next step, residency. We had a pretty good four years. While we are glad to leave Memphis (it isn't that bad of a place to live, we just envisioned something a little different), it is sad as well. This is the only place we have lived as a "married couple." We will miss the convenience of living in a bigger city and having so many stores, restaurants, activities available within a few minutes. And of course we will miss all of the good friends we made. But I look forward to living in a city where I don't have to think twice about Caden playing outside in yard by himself and that people can get their groceries without being mugged and beaten. Memphis is Crazy at times. We will come back to visit and we hope everyone stays in touch.

Who will Caden ride the Carousel with? We will miss you Yauns!

Dad Duty. The Dads had to ride the carousel with the boys.

Another cute picture, just for the heck of it. I was washing Caden's bumper from his crib and he was have fun peaking through the slats at us.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Can't Walk in My Own House

Where does all of this stuff come from? I pack and pack and pack. There are boxes literally everywhere and there is still more to pack everywhere I look! How is this possible. We haven't even been married for 4 years how did we possibly accumulate so much. Of course I am a bit of a pack rat, but I think I've purged a lot for this move. Yet we can't even fit all of our boxes in our house and still have room to walk. Caden has minimal space left, but he doesn't seem to mind. He is getting very mobile. He doesn't quite have a fluent crawl down yet (although he can get on all fours and rock). I've seen him actually crawl (like two movements forward) only once, but I know it is coming. Of course he still wiggles, rolls, and turns to get to anything and everything that he wants. So even though he isn't technically crawling, he doesn't stay in any one place too long. He even moves in his exersaucer now. I'll included a video later that shows how he rocks in it and scoots it across the floor to get whatever he is after at the moment. I am actually hoping he doesn't get the full hang of crawling until after we move so that at least he will have a little more space and won't be into absolutely everything.

Caden sporting his legendary mohawk. You wouldn't believe how many people ask us if we style (or cut) his hair that way. In case you didn't know, NO we don't purposely give our child a mohawk. He is naturally blessed with that (no matter how I try to comb it). Well I might have helped for this picture.

Caden in the laundry basket (full of clean clothes). He is such a big helper!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Rocking Puppy

I can't believe how big he is getting! My mom got Caden a Rocking Puppy for Christmas but he wasn't much of a rider until recently. Now he thinks he is pretty cool and has the rocking down pat. He has to do the head bob to get started and then he gets his flow and rocks more smoothly. Ricky is sure that he will be a rodeo star. I'm thinking something a little less dangerous would be a better option. He is our entertainment these days.

Caden on the Rocking Puppy at Christmas.

Caden on the Rocking Puppy now.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Summer Fun

Last weekend we went to Heber Springs with family to spend the weekend in a lovely lake house. We had a good time, but it would have been even nicer if it would have stopped raining (even for a little bit) while we were there. We were able to go out on the deck and enjoy some bubbles which Caden loved. Caden's grandma brought them along thinking that Chapman (his older cousin) would enjoy and he did, but Caden thought they were pretty cool too. He liked trying to get them.
Caden also went to the Zoo for the first time on Tuesday. The weather was nice and we decided to take advantage of Free Zoo Tuesday before we leave Memphis. Caden enjoyed the animals that moved around quick enough to catch his attention. He liked the sea lion swimming by, the penguins being fed, and he thought the water falls throughout the zoo were cool. The giraffes and elephants were rather boring (again as I said before they didn't move much and therefore he didn't really get what to look at).

Caden and Ricky watching the Sea Lion swim.

Caden and I posing in front of the leopard.