Monday, November 12, 2012

Halloween Costume Pictures

Caden was a (mean) pirate this year, he always made sure that he added mean when someone asked him what he was going to be.  Avery Lynn was Minnie Mouse.  While they didn't
have costumes that necessarily went together this year I did notice as I was uploading the pictures that they color coordinated very well with the red, white, and black.  Some of the pictures are from when they got dressed for the Halloween party we went to and others are from Halloween night so that is why you see Avery Lynn dressed in warmer clothes in some and not others.  Some friends came over to go trick-or-treating on Halloween night and all the kids had a blast.  Avery Lynn really enjoyed trick-or-treating more than I expected her to.  She loved going up to each house to trick-or-treat and get candy.  Caden was a pro this year, he knew exactly what to do and was all about quickly moving from house to house. 

I had to add this picture.  Notice Avery Lynn is correcting Caden that she is supposed to say "Cheese" not him.

Avery Lynn rode from house to house in the wagon

Caden got his candy and was moving on to the next house

A picture of the cousins at Chapman's Halloween themed birthday party

1 comment:

  1. I told you their costumes will make a cute scrapbook page! A few Minnie/Mickey Mouse stickers and a pirate ship or two will be all I need with red/black and white paper! :)
