Friday, October 3, 2014

Nap Mat for School

Avery Lynn needed a nap mat to take to preschool this year for rest time.  It needed to be small enough that she could carry it into school on her own and of course it needed to be cute so she'd like it.  After searching the internet for patterns I found one from this website, that I liked the best.  Avery Lynn and I picked out some cute fabric and I went to town sewing it so it would be ready when her school started.  I made a removable cover for a KinderMat that you can find at back to school time at the store then added some straps to enclose everything together.  Then I made a pillowcase and blanket to go with it.  It was all fairly simple and turned out well.  There isn't much napping that has occurred on it since school started but I guess she is "resting" well on it.

Folded up and ready for school

Pretending to sleep

This picture shows the other side of the blanket

The under side of the nap mat

All closed up

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